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The Aspirating Smoke Detection System Sampling Pipe Network Installation Guide
Aspirating Smoke Detection System is a kind of suction smoke detection system whose performance depends on the correct design and installation of sampling pipe network. The design of sampling networks is described in detail in the network design Guide. This guide guides the reader on how to install an effective air sampling network, describes the components used in network installation and the guidelines for its application, and explains some of the more common installation methods.
After the site survey and design is completed, the installation is carried out. After the installation is complete, you can debug the system.
The sampling network shall be installed as specified in the design document and all changes to the design drawings shall be recorded. The details are contained in the files to be handed over to the user after the system is debugged.
Introduction to Sampling network
The Aspirating smoke-sensing fire early warning system collects air samples through sampling holes in the sampling tube network. Airflow in the protected area will carry air samples into the sampling hole. Conventional smoke detectors passively wait for smoke to move to the detector and actively draw air samples into the sampling system. These air samples are transmitted to the detection host through the sampling pipe network.

Figure 1-Aspirating smoke-sensing fire early warning system Components

Figure 1-Aspirating smoke-sensing fire early warning system Components
Aspirating Smoke Detection System Installation steps
This guide describes the basic sequence of steps required when installing sampling networks.Information about the installation environment is explained in detail in the installation sampling network,and good sampling network design theory is available in the network design guide.
The general installation steps are as follows:
1.View the design document and assemble the sample tube size and configuration information.
2.Mark the location where the detector needs to be installed.
3.According to the design document, measure and mark the position of the tube card used to install the sample tube.
4.Install detector. Refer to the probe file for more information
5.Install the pipe card according to the design document.
6.Install the sampling tube and place it into the tube card as instructed.
Do not bond the sampling tube during this step.
7.Drill sampling holes on the sampling tube and ensure that the spacing of sampling holes meets the requirements of the design document and the sampling holes are facing correctly.
8.Check if the design document calls for punching the end cap. Installation shall be carried out as required
9.Connect the sample tube to the detector.
10.Insert the sample tube into the detector and make sure there is a minimum straight tube of 500mm(20 inch.) before the sample tube enters the detector. Do not bond the sample tube to the intake pipe of the detector.
11.After all tests are completed, the sampling tubes are bonded together using the appropriate adhesive. Do not stick the sample tube to the probe's intake pipe, it may not be possible to perform maintenance on the probe.
12.Paste the corresponding label on the sampling tube and sampling hole.